How to prevent skin aging?

Its the question we want answers to every day. Well, search no more. Follow these tips and tricks to get youthful skin.

Apply raw aloe vera gel - Anti-Ageing Tips

The benefits of aloe vera for skin are numerous. It is an effective natural remedy for pimples and acne, and reduces excessive oiliness of skin. Malic acid present in aloe vera gel improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles and fine lines, which are the most evident signs of skin ageing. Zinc present in the gel increases the youthfulness of skin by shrinking the pores whereas mucopolysaccharides help in retaining moisture and improves formation of collagen the protein that forms the basis of cell structure and maintains skin elasticity. Cut off a leaf from the plant and scrape out the gel. Apply the gel onto clean face, massage for 5-10 minutes in a gentle, circular motion. Let it stay for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

Stop harmful habits - Anti-Ageing Tips

Smoking and drinking will never help you look younger. Numerous studies have shown that smoking is one of the main causes of premature skin ageing. If you smoke regularly and drink lots of alcohol on a regular basis, you will suffer from dehydration, premature wrinkles, loss of collagen, elasticity, and redness of the skin.

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Apply avocado pulp - Anti-Ageing Tips

The creamy flesh of this fruit helps in increasing the suppleness and youthfulness of your skin by increasing elasticity. It is loaded with nutrients such as vitamins B, C, E and K, selenium, potassium, zinc, folate and beta carotene that have very good benefits for the skin. Scrape out the pulp from one avocado and mash it to form a smooth paste. Apply it on a clean face and let it stay for 30 minutes. Then wash it off with water. Avocado acts as a nourishing moisturiser for excessive dry skin that also helps in repairing damaged cells and promotes the regeneration of new cells. The antioxidants and amino acids present in this exotic fruit flushes out toxins from skin and prevents skin ageing.

Cut down on salt - Anti-Ageing Tips

One simple tip to prevent skin ageing is to cut back on salty foods. Although you cant avoid salt altogether, foods high in sodium can suck moisture out of skin, leaving it dry and dull.

Don't wash your face too much - Anti-Ageing Tips

Of course, its important to keep your skin clean, but dont overdo it. Wash no more than twice a day. Over-washing dries your skin, making it age prematurely. What you wash your face with is also important. Alkaline bar soaps strip your skin of its natural oils and can cause irritation. That is why a non-soap cleanser is a much gentler option.
Moisturise - Anti-Ageing Tips

A very common beauty mistake women make these days is to not pay enough importance to moisturisation. They are so concerned with anti-ageing products that they often overlook the power of a simple moisturiser. Moist skin looks better because lines and creases are far less noticeable. Moisturise twice a day once in the morning before you step out and once before you go to sleep to treat ageing.

ZKO Anti Aging Cream Reviews

Use anti-ageing products, but wisely

While you shouldnese creams really work. It often depends on the specific ingredients in the products and how long you use them. Look out for Retinol in the cream. Retinol is a vitamin A compound, the first antioxidant to be widely used in wrinkle creams. Antioxidants are substances that neutralise free radicals unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles. Also, Argireline, also known as acetyl hexapeptide-3, relaxes facial muscles to prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming.

Drink plenty of water - Anti-Ageing Tips

One way to prevent ageing of skin is to drink as much water as you can. Weve been told that eight glasses a day is what we should be drinking. But in reality, there is no magic number. Water needs are very individual and can vary according to your body weight, activity level, health status and the temperature outside. Download the iDrated phone app, which will determine exactly how much you should be drinking according to your age and weight.

Protect your skin from the sun

Sun protection is the best way to prevent skin ageing. You must use sunscreen every single day of the year, not just when it's sunny. Apply sunscreen generously and reapply at least every two hours. If you have sensitive, oily, acne-prone skin and require a sunscreen that dries to a matte finish, use a formula with zinc oxide. For normal to dry skin, use a chemical-free, all-mineral formula.

You walk into a room and forgot why you were even there. You scramble to look for your glasses. You look into the kitchen, the bedside table, the bathroom — everywhere you could think of. You’re starting to get irritated because you’re running late for your next appointment. Your hands grasp something hard on your head — the freaking glasses you’ve been looking all along.

Then, something suddenly hits you!

There’s a project due today, a favor you promised for a friend, and a bill that must be paid.

Anxiety starts to creep in as you murmur, “Gosh, how did I forget about these?”

And now you’re rushing out the door to try to save the day. As you’re about to get inside your car, the good old neighbor who jogs every morning stops in your driveway for a little chitchat. You clearly recall his face. You’ve been in some gatherings together. But for the life of you, you couldn’t recall his name.

How to Look 20 Years Younger Without The Scalpel Scare

Three. Four. Five minutes went by. Still nothing.

It’s in the tip of your tongue but you can’t remember his name at all.
You start to feel bad because this scenario is not just an isolated case. It did not only happen today. It happens almost every day.

Forgetting important things, important events, and even important people.

You know you can’t simply shrug it off. You can’t simply accept that you are becoming forgetful. You can’t simply deny how it affects the quality of your life.

Oh crap! Feels annoying, right?

It doesn’t have to be.


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